UK Dairy processors facing fresh FFA milk price protest.

Subject : UK Dairy processors facing fresh FFA milk price protest.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Farmers form Action (FFA) has thretened a fresh wave of processor targeted demonstration across the UK if efforts are not made to increase farm gate milk price.

FFA chairman David Handly told a price " in excess of 32 pences per litre" is required to meet further increase in the cost of production. According to the Department for environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), farm gate milk prices averaged at 30.08 pence per litre (ppl) in december 2012.

British Dairy farmers will take to the streets by March 2013 if there"has been no movement" from dairy processors, Handly claimed.

Last Year, FFA targeted a number of UK-based dairy processors- including Arla Foods, Roberts Wiseman Dairies Crest- in protest to planned milk price reductions.

The under pressure processors eventually postponed the planned price cuts, and relations appeared to improve. The relationship has, however, begun to sour. 

Keywords : FFA milk price protest.