Joint Ventures, Acquisitions, Mergers, Disposals & Partnership

What We Do ?

  1. Project Report
  2. Funding of the Project
  3. Valuation Study
  4. Tender Drafting
  5. Impact Study
  6. Buyer-Seller Meet
  7. Investor Identification and Meetings
  8. Agreement Drafting

Project report

We provide consultancy in the field of joint venture, acquisition, mergers, disposals and partnership working. We first look companies' project report and check the financial condition of the industry with whom we are going to do business, if there financial statement is sound than we are in a safe mode to work jointly. Project report is the first joint business offer of the industry.
Funding of the project.

Funding is the main important concerned for conducting business. There are different sources available in the financial market to funding for project. These are as given under-

  • Through Financial institution & Bank
  • Non-Banking Financial Institution
  • Money market
  • Capital Market
  • Negotiable Market
  • Primary & Secondary Market. Etc.

If company are interested to collaborate with our company than they can arrange for the fund from these financial institution.

Valuation study

For the joint venture business planning it is good to perform valuation study properly because if the valuation of the seller company is not as per the valuation of the our company norms than at the time of dispose of the business of the other joint venture there valuation is very low or not enough to write off to covering the loss of the company. It is first require to conduct the valuation study of the company which is going to collaborate with us.

Tender drafting

Tender drafting is an offering letter to those clients who are interested to participate in the business. Different types of tender drafting documentation are required to commencement of business.

Impact study

Impact study is very important from the company point of view, if the financial performance of the company is not giving positive result than it gives the bad impact in the market. For the joint venture co. it is necessary to show the good result as per their return and growth rate.

Buyer-seller meet

This is face to face meeting between buyer and seller after fulfillment of the entire requirement from both sides. If they are interested with project plan than they talk for running the business jointly and the buyer company give all the support to the seller and they come up with some conclusion to do business together.

Investor identification and meetings

If the internal fund is not sufficient to meet requirement than the company look for investors identification and conduct meetings with them to come up with final settlement between company and investors. Investors may be any financial sound party or any external sources generating agency. If the finance requirement is not sort out from the internal sources than the external financial sources are good choice.

Agreement drafting

It is the last step for mutual agreement with the company. if all the terms and condition of the company is accepted by the joint venture than both the company come together and signed on the agreement. Agreement drafting is the final step for the both the company to come and join with each other for the business.