New Project Development (Small, Medium & Big)

What We Do ?

  1. Market Research & Viability Report
  2. Budgeting and Financing, Capital Formation & Loaning of the Project
  3. Dairy Plant Design
  4. Business Planning, Project Management, System & Packaging Development
  5. Equipment Sourcing, Process Description & Capacity Assessment
  6. Staff Training & Product and People Flow
  7. Commissioning of the Plant, QMS, HACCP, GMP, GHP, ISO and other certifications
  8. Sales, Marketing & Subsidy Approvals

Market Research

Market research is the process of gathering, recording and analyzing information about the market. Important items of investigation are customers, competitors and the market. Market research can be a part of a business plan but also serve as management information to make business decisions.

For a new project development it is first require doing market research. We discover how to sell more of current products or position new products in new markets or simply how to get a new product or business launched.  Our quick and effective strategic positioning research can help to grow business.

Viability Report

The feasibility study is essential for implementation of such a project. It should cover capital investment on land, building, equipment, infrastructure, working capital, manufacturing and marketing cost, and financial projections to work out the viability of the project. Once its viability is established, a detailed project report should include the following- Appoint a consultant to plan the project in relation to the proposed market, design the dairy plant, and select an architect and a structural consultant. Prepare tender documents for civil works and plant equipment. After quantifying the product mix, work out the process flow diagram showing the material balances. Formulate dairy plant specifications. The proposed design should include: Space required (Floor Area). List the equipment, their specifications and capacities. Prepare the plant layout, including process, service and storage. Provide for service requirements.

Prepare for plant construction by attending to the following:

  • Selection of the site
  • Survey the availability of essential services like water, electricity, all-weather road, communications, etc.
  • Tender for civil works, equipment supply and installation, and the subsequent award of contracts.

Formulate the marketing plans for design of brand name, logo, and packaging, procurement of packaging and labeling materials. Appointment of core staff, including plant manager, administration and marketing personnel.

Arrange for sanctions/approvals/clearances by the Central/State/local statutory authorities.
Coordinate the civil construction work with the suppliers for timely installation of the dairy equipment and machinery.