New Product Development (All Dairy Products)

What We Do ?

  1. Market Research
  2. Lab Testing & Shelf Life Study
  3. Process Description
  4. Staff Training, Equipment Sourcing & Line Commissioning
  5. Packaging Development & Statutory Certifications

Packaging Development

Packaging is a technique of using the most appropriate containers and components to protect, carry, identify and merchandise any product. It constitutes an important link between the manufacturer and ultimate consumer for the safe delivery of the product through different stages of production, storage, transport, distribution and marketing.

Though great efforts have been made in producing high grade processed milks or manufactured dairy products, unless they are delivered in a fresh, sound and suitable form to the consumer, they are likely to be rejected, thus causing enormous wastage. The loss can be offset to a great extent by adequate protective packaging to withstand the hazards of climatic changes, transportation, handling etc.

Because of rapid growth in the economy and consequent improvement in the living standards of the common people, packaging has become important in the distribution process. In today's busy world, many consumers do not have the time to make it to the market.

Innovative packaging technologies have become a necessity for the development of extended shelf life and value added dairy products. In dairy industry, the package serves as a barrier to contamination by microorganisms or other undesirable elements like moisture and light. The secondary role of the packaging material is to care for storage and distribution.

  • The packaging material should satisfy the following conditions.
  • It must protect and preserve the commodity from the time it is packaged till the product is consumed.
  • It must be suitable for the selected sales and distribution pattern.
  • It must be attractive to the consumer.
  • It must be easy to open, store and dispose.
  • It must facilitate the handling, storage and distribution.
  • It must protect against biological, chemical and distribution damages.
  • It must inform the consumer through the medium of labeling.
  • It must act as a marketing and advertising tool.

Statutory certification -

The main system of inspection and certification is that include consignment-wise inspection, in-process quality control, self-certification, and food safety management systems-based certification. In the dairy sector, statutory certification includes international standards on HACCP / GMP / GHP / ISO. Quality management systems like GMP, GHP, HACCP and ISO, are being adopted by the dairy sector to assure the consumers of safe and high-quality dairy products. The Ministry of Health in India has also recommended a programme on Food safety management through GHP, GMP and HACCP.

The Dairy industry should adopt TQM processes based on the

Codex standards and integrate the GHP, HACCP and ISO systems into milk collection, processing, product packaging, storage, transport, of dairy products.