New Project Development (Small, Medium & Big)

What We Do ?

  1. Market Research & Viability Report
  2. Budgeting and Financing, Capital Formation & Loaning of the Project
  3. Dairy Plant Design
  4. Business Planning, Project Management, System & Packaging Development
  5. Equipment Sourcing, Process Description & Capacity Assessment
  6. Staff Training & Product and People Flow
  7. Commissioning of the Plant, QMS, HACCP, GMP, GHP, ISO and other certifications
  8. Sales, Marketing & Subsidy Approvals

Budgeting And Financing

For New project development budgeting & financing play the main role it Guide the creation, maintenance, and use of resources financial trend analysis can help pin-point problem areas. Identify areas where the government is already reasonably strong in terms of protecting its financial condition. Identify existing or emerging problems in revenue sources, management practices, and infrastructure condition incorporate equipment and facility replacement plans. Incorporate capital and economic development plans.

Capital formation

Capital accumulation in cooperatives is often difficult. It is shaped, and to some extent constrained, by a unique set of principles that define the cooperative identity and set it apart from capitalist enterprise. To survive and grow in an increasingly competitive business climate, cooperatives must raise more capital from their members and also possibly from commercial sources.

Raising capital from the primary members of dairy is difficult task considering the financial conditions of members and cooperative principles such as one vote for one member. Further, members may be reluctant to invest in their cooperative for reasons such as: getting money now is much more important to them than getting more money later as a result of investment made now.

Mobilization of funds from commercial sources is not an easy task since the balance sheets of cooperatives may not reflect the healthy figures as cooperatives distribute its surplus to their members. Hence, raising capital by retaining surpluses is the most attractive way for dairy cooperatives to finance its growth, because: it does not have to be repaid; and, no interest needs to be paid compulsorily on the capital. However, for reasons mentioned above, creation of reserves are thus blocked in cooperatives.

Loaning of the project

Program under which banks, the Ex- Im Bank, or a combination of both may extend long-term financing for capital equipment and related services for major projects.

Funding of the project-

Funding is the main important concerned for conducting business. There are different sources available in the financial market to funding for project. These are as given under-

  • Through Financial institution & Bank.
  • Non-Banking Financial Institution
  • Money market
  • Capital Market
  • Negotiable Market
  • Primary & Secondary Market. Etc.

If companies are interested to collaborate with our company, they can arrange for the fund from these financial institutions.