New Project Development (Small, Medium & Big)

What We Do ?

  1. Market Research & Viability Report
  2. Budgeting and Financing, Capital Formation & Loaning of the Project
  3. Dairy Plant Design
  4. Business Planning, Project Management, System & Packaging Development
  5. Equipment Sourcing, Process Description & Capacity Assessment
  6. Staff Training & Product and People Flow
  7. Commissioning of the Plant, QMS, HACCP, GMP, GHP, ISO and other certifications
  8. Sales, Marketing & Subsidy Approvals

Business Planning

We do business planning & development, companies should constantly be on the look-out for opportunities to strengthen their market position. We have to create value for customers, be innovative and make the right technological decisions. In strengthening the market position, companies should engage in relationships with suppliers, customers and possibly competitors in order to exchange skills, resources, technologies and thereby help each other out. For a New Project business planning start with the initial stage and after that its solved the problem of how the business need proper planning and controlling action.

Project Management

For a new project development, Project Management is a business process of the project-oriented company. The PM process starts with the project assignment and ends with the project approval. It consists of the sub-processes project start, project co-ordination, project controlling, project discontinuity management and project close-down . Application of the knowledge, skills, tools and techniques during the project activities in order to meet or surpass the needs and expectations of all the participants interested in the project results .

System development

The sequence of events in the development of an information system (application), which requires mutual effort on the part of management and staff. A proper System Development is important for Dairy industry.

  1.  Systems Analysis & Design
  2. Implementation
  3. User Acceptance

Packaging development

In Dairy Development Project we raising consumer awareness about the new dairy industry structure and A policy framework for the livestock sector is urgently required to define the roles, collection and in-pouch pasteurizing and packaging system will be field tested. New packaging development  program should be in line to make looks of our product different and attractive in the competitive market. Packaging development start with study of market trends and recent development in the design of packaging in the market.