New Project Development (Small, Medium & Big)

What We Do ?

  1. Market Research & Viability Report
  2. Budgeting and Financing, Capital Formation & Loaning of the Project
  3. Dairy Plant Design
  4. Business Planning, Project Management, System & Packaging Development
  5. Equipment Sourcing, Process Description & Capacity Assessment
  6. Staff Training & Product and People Flow
  7. Commissioning of the Plant, QMS, HACCP, GMP, GHP, ISO and other certifications
  8. Sales, Marketing & Subsidy Approvals

Dairy Plant Design

Planning and design of dairy plant building, selection of equipment and their layout. Appoint a consultant to plan the project in relation to the proposed market, design the dairy plant, and select an architect and a structural consultant. Prepare tender documents for civil works and plant equipment. After quantifying the product mix, work out the process flow diagram showing the material balances. Formulate dairy plant specifications. The proposed design should include: Space required (Floor Area). List the equipment, their specifications and capacities. Prepare the plant layout, including process, service and storage. Provide for service requirements

Prepare for plant construction by attending to the following:

  • Selection of the site;
  • Survey the availability of essential services like water, electricity, all-weather road, communications, etc; and,
  • Tender for civil works, equipment supply and installation, and the subsequent award of contracts.

Formulate the marketing plans for design of brand name, logo, and packaging, procurement of packaging and labeling materials. Appointment of core staff, including plant manager, administration and marketing personnel.

Arrange for sanctions/approvals/clearances by the Central/State/local statutory authorities.
Coordinate the civil construction work with the suppliers for timely installation of the dairy equipment and machinery. Dairy plant management system related to milk procurement from the rural milk producer, milk processing and products manufacturing, marketing of products, recruitment and training of personnel, financial management of the plant. Survey on milk availability and marketing of milk and milk products. Improving viability and expansion of existing dairy farms and plants. Transfer technology on the manufacture of western type of milk products. Dairy equipment like milk evaporators and dryers, plate heat exchangers, separators, continuous butter making equipment, milk storage tanks and silos, road milk tankers and other dairy equipment etc.