Capacity Enhancement, Process Optimization and Plant Modification

What We Do ?

  1. Study of available resources, capacity and process,
  2. Technology Modernization & Plant/Line Design
  3. Expense Estimation & Cost Benefit Analysis
  4. Environmental Protection
  5. Equipment Sourcing & Commissioning

Environmental Protection:

The Green Belt

We maintain a green belt having area of approximately 8000 square meter. Though this green belt belongs to the Forest Department, we maintain this area. In summers, we water the plants in that area and our factory gardeners are maintaining this belt irrigate. In addition to this, lawns and gardens are maintained inside the factory premise to add to its beauty and charm.

Prevention of Water Pollution

We have the consent from Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Department in respect of Air and Water Pollution. To check water pollution, we have installed a modern Effluent Treatment Plant at our factory which treats the process discharge water and then sends it to the industrial drain. The sludge produced after ETP treatment acts as manure for the farmers and is given free to farmers attached with our organization for cultivation purpose.

Prevention of Air Pollution

To check air pollution, we have ensured that the stack height of our chimney is more than the norms prescribed by the pollution control department. We have also installed Dust Collectors and air preheating system to ensure that the air pollution is kept under check.

Prevention of Noise Pollution

For the prevention of noise pollution, we have already installed dampening devices like sound proof canopy on our generators etc. at our factory. ear muff or Ear plug are used by the employees working in the high noise area.

The Technologies we use

We have adopted environment friendly and efficient technology since the time of inception. The ETP (Effluent Treatment Plant) was installed in 2001 to keep check on the pollution. The manufacturing technology being used at our factory is one of the most modern technologies available in dairy industry. The automation process is ongoing, for an example in 2004 we have installed automatic pouch filling machine at our place.

Environment Friendly - No Hazard

Since the raw material being used at our factory is milk and our finished products are milk based, environmental friendliness of these products can be understood given their organic nature.
We are manufacturing milk based products hence no hazardous pollution is generated in our factory. For effluents generated in the process, we have already installed Effluent Treatment Plant to treat them before draining.

Safe and Secure

Nil environmental incidents/accidents have occurred at our factory till date. As such, there is no health risk involved in our processes. Proportion of cost of environmental protection in production cost comes to around 5%.